December 2006
band 144 MHz call: LZ2US 2 dec 2006 SENT RCVD 14:23 OK1KKD O RO 14:58 SP7DCS RO O 15:05 YO2AMU RO O 15:14 F1FLA RO O 15:28 SM7GVF O RO 15:34 IK2DDR O RO 15:40 DL5MAE O RO 15:45 SV1BTR O RO 559 15:51 CT1HZE O RO 15:57 OH6CH O RO 16:08 I3EVK RO O 16:26 G4DHF O RO 16:52 SM2CEW RO O 17:09 OK1MS O RO 17:22 DK3EE O RO 539 17:48 PA0V O RO 17:56 SM5CUI O RO
3 DEC 2006 01:35 SM7WSJ O RO 01:55 EA3DXU RO O
73 Marko
Hi EME lovers
I found very nice conditions in the last contest. Sorry for working just one leg, at my Moon rise. WKD: 1346 OK1MS RO/O 1408 SP7DCS RO/O 1420 SV1BTR 539/529 1446 OH6CH O/RO 1506 LZ2US O/RO 1535 F1FLA RO/O 1551 SM2CEW RO/O 1641 IK1FJI RO/O 1718 DK3EE O/RO 1726 SM7GVF RO/O 1744 IK2DDR RO/O
Thanks to all for the nice moments!
I wish to all Merry Christmas and A Happy New-Year 2007
CU in January 2007! 73 de Doru, YO2AMU
2/12/06 1407 SM7GVF O RO 1 1
2/12/06 1414 OK1MS O RO 1 1
2/12/06 1420 YO2AMU 529 539 1 1
2/12/06 1427 OH6CH 539 559 1 1
2/12/06 1436 I3EVK O RO 1 1
2/12/06 1443 IK2DDR 529 549 1 1
2/12/06 1449 G4DHF 529 549 1 1
2/12/06 1455 DL5MAE O RO 1 1
2/12/06 1502 EA3DXU 529 RO 1 1
2/12/06 1515 F9HS O RO 1 1
2/12/06 1524 DL1GGT O RO 1 1
2/12/06 1534 SP7DCS RO/549 O/559 1 1
2/12/06 1546 LZ2US RO/550 O 1 1
2/12/06 1555 OK1KKD O O 1
2/12/06 1605 CT1HZE 539 559 1 1
2/12/06 1631 DJ9CZ O RO 1 1
2/12/06 1647 SM2CEW RO/539 O/559 1 1
2/12/06 1700 F0CXO O RO 1 1
2/12/06 1706 DF1CF O RO 1 1
2/12/06 1740 SM5CUI O RO 1 1
2/12/06 1748 LZ1DP 529 RO/549 1 1
2/12/06 2303 W0PT 529 RO/539 1 1
2/12/06 2310 RW1AW 529 539 1 1
2/12/06 2319 K9MRI 539 559 1 1
2/12/06 2331 PA3CWN O RO 1 1
2/12/06 2338 F8DO O/529 RO 1 1
2/12/06 2347 SM7WSJ 529 RO 1
3/12/06 0008 PA4EME O O 1 1
3/12/06 0015 SP6GWB O/529 RO/529 1 1
3/12/06 0029 W6AT O RO 1 1
3/12/06 0039 KB8RQ 569 O/579 1 1
3/12/06 0053 AA1YN O RO 1 1
3/12/06 0106 F1FLA 559 559 1 1
Total Score: 33 * 31 = 1023 points
Had a good time - won't go into the details but this is my first CW EME contact.
Start of Log 20061203 0057 SV1BTR O/RO 1.5Pnts SV1 mult. End of Log

Receiver - DSP-10 Transmitter - IC-746 LNA - Homebrew Amp - TE Systems 1452G Antenna - 4 X 16 ele K1FO homebrew approx 20 dBd
Lee Scott - AA1YN
Hello everybody….
Today I was QRV in the second part of the CW EME activity weekend.

Using an 13 el DJ9BV (13.25 dB), 0.22 dB preamp and about 1 kW I can
report the following stations to be heard
23.10 144.050 F3VS in QSO O
23.14 144.052 SV1BTR in QSO 529 peak
23.42 144.052 SM7WSJ in QSO M/O
01.09 144.048 OK1MS with CQ O
01.18 144.050 F3VS in QSO 529 peak
01.44 144.050 LZ2US with CQ 519 peak
I know IK2DDR and SM2CEW were there but not heard this time. Also
Chris, SP7DCS, I QSO’d two days before was not heard in second part.
Marco LZ2US called CQ at 02.25 for 5 minutes ore more…. A little nap
when the keyer was running????
I went QRT at 02.30 as our QRP’s will get up at 05.00 as usual.
I QSO’d:
Cat. A
Date Time Call TX RX Points Multiplier
031206 00.12 SV1BTR RO O 1 SV
Total score:
1x1x1=1 point
This is my section C (20.5 dBd) entry for December.
I put up my 4 x 4.7 WL (DK7ZB-modified) home made antennas in september,
I use a pair of 4CX250B and an MGF1302.
All contacts are random. My own echos were weaker than I am used to. I
worked 6 new stations.
It was a lot of fun to work the following stations:
2006/12/02 13:59 OK1MS 0 0 1p OK1
2006/12/02 14:08 SV1BTR 0 0 1p SV1
2006/12/02 14:28 SP7DCS 0 0 1p SP7
2006/12/02 14:38 IK2DDR 0 0 1p IK2
2006/12/02 15:30 LZ2US 0 0 1p LZ2
2006/12/02 16:29 IK1FJI 0 0 1p IK1
2006/12/02 16:50 F9HS 0 0 1p F9
2006/12/02 17:11 I3EVK 0 0 1p I3
2006/12/02 17:19 SM2CEW 0 0 1p SM2
2006/12/02 17:27 YO2AMU 0 0 1p YO2
2006/12/02 17:38 G4DHF 0 0 1p G4
2006/12/02 17:57 F1FLA 0 0/539 1p F1
2006/12/02 23:11 F3VS 559 0/549 1p F3
2006/12/03 00:10 FØCXO 0 0 1p F0
2006/12/03 00:24 KB8RQ 0/559 0/559 1.5p KB8
2006/12/03 00:50 K9MRI 0 0 1.5p K9
2006/12/03 01:25 WØPT 0 0 1.5p W0
2006/12/03 02:13 OH6CH 0 0 1p oh6
19.5 x 18 = 351p
Other heard:
I got QRZ from EA3DXU, and I was calling DL1? who heard me partly.

Kjell, SM7GVF
CAT. : C
TX:IC275H 8877
02.12.06 1416 144 CW SP7DCS RO O SP7
02.12.06 1424 144 CW G4DHF RO O G4
02.12.06 1437 144 CW SM7GVF RO O SM7
02.12.06 1444 144 CW SV1BTR 549 529 SV1
02.12.06 1452 144 CW I3EVK O RO I3
02.12.06 1458 144 CW OH6CH O RO OH6
02.12.06 1534 144 CW LZ2US RO O LZ2
02.12.06 1601 144 CW OK1MS RO O OK1
02.12.06 1608 144 CW SM2CEW RO O SM2
02.12.06 1624 144 CW F3VS 559 539 F3
02.12.06 1635 144 CW IK1FJI RO O IK1
02.12.06 1648 144 CW DK3EE RO O DK3
02.12.06 1730 144 CW F1FLA RO O F1
02.12.06 1746 144 CW YO2AMU O RO YO2
02.12.06 2314 144 CW KB8RQ 569 559 KB8
02.12.06 2326 144 CW K9MRI O RO K9
02.12.06 2334 144 CW SM7WSJ O RO --
02.12.06 2355 144 CW PA3CWN O RO PA3
Hello All,
This was my first participation in the Dubus CW night events with my current setup
and it was a pleasure and honour for me.
I worked 5 stations and am really satisfied about this result.
Here is my log for 2 /3 December 2006 in class B
Date UTC CALL Send Rec Points MULTIP
02/12/2006 15.05 SP7DCS RO O 1 SP7
02/12/2006 23.30 SV1BTR RO O 1 SV1
02/12/2006 23.43 F3VS RO O 1 F3
02/12/2006 23.56 IK2DDR RO O 1 IK2
03/12/2006 00.49 OK1MS O RO 1 OK1
Class B

Ant 4 x 9 ele DK7ZB 18.5 dBd
GI7b at 300W output
The stations heard were
YO2AMU, OH6CH, LZ2US qrz, KB8RQ, K9MRI, F1FLA qrz, EA3DXU qrz, RW1AW
Hope to hear you all again in 2007 !!!
Many thanks for the fun :-)) 73 Oene
02.12 13.49 OK1MS O/RO 1 point OK
" 14.00 SP7DCS O/RO " SP
" 14.27 SV1BTR 559/539 " SV
" 14.45 YO2AMU O/RO " YO
" 14.57 IK2DDR O/RO " IK
" 15.57 LZ2US O/RO " LZ
" 16.06 F3VS 549/539 " F3
" 16.22 EA3DXU RO/O " EA
" 16.41 F1FLA O/RO " F1
" 16.52 IK1FJI 539/529 "
02.12 23.08 SM2CEW O/RO " SM
" 00.33 KB8RQ 559/569 " KB
" 00.43 K9MRI O/RO " K9
" 01.09 W0PT 0/RO " W0
15X14= 210 POINTS
Hello EME CW friends
I was active only one hour,because the night time i was at qrl. Worked: 2/12 16:24 SM7GVF # 16:34 IK2DDR 16:41 YO2AMU 16:45 OK1MS 16:51 OH6CH 539 549 17:08 G4DHF 17:23 DL1GGT # 1728 SP7DCS 17:37 OK1KKD # 573 ALL EME CW........... all qso om my CQ send O rcv RO
See you next time. 73, Valter IK1FJI x19xxx GU78B
Hi, this is my DUBUS EME Event Log for Dezember 2006
My Rig:
2x12ele M2 / 8877
Cat B ( 15.5dBd )
Date Time Call Rprts QSOPts Multiplier
20061202 1524 SV1BTR RO/RO 1p SV1
20061202 1726 IK1FJI RO/RO 1p IK1
20061202 1742 SM2CEW RO/RO 1p SM2
Total= 3p x 3 mult = 9 points
hrd only: oh6ch, kb8rq, f3vs, ok1ms, lz2us, dk3ee, sp7dcs

best 73 Thomas DL1GGT
Hello Peter and Hakan!!!
02/03Dec DUBUS CW ACTIVITY- all random unassisted
13:55 PA5DD O/RO PA5
14:03 OH6CH O/RO OH6
:43 I3EVK O/RO I3
:58 LZ2US O/RO LZ2
15:03 PA3CWN O/RO PA3
:13 G4DHF O/RO G4
:34 SV1BTR O-559/RO-549 SV1
:55 OK1MS RO/O
17:32 IK1FJI RO/O IK1
:48 F1FLA RO/O F1
:58 F3VS RO-559/O-539 F3
23:15 W0PT RO/O W0
00:30 LZ1DP O/RO LZ1
:48 KB8RQ RO/O KB8
:58 K9MRI RO/O K9
TOTAL: 23p x 22m = 506points
I would like to thank everybody for very nice qsos. No doubt Dubus Event
was a big success this month - hope to meet You next month.
Equipment as usual was 16 x 8el + gs35b, but I used a new preamp on
ATF54143 that seems to work FB.
GL 73 Chris SP7DCS
CT1HZE, Loc. IM57nh
Date UTC Call Rprts QSO Pts Multiplier
20061202 1543 SP7DCS RO/O 1p SP7
20061202 1555 SM2CEW RO/O 1p SM2
20061202 1609 LZ2US RO/O 1p LZ1
20061202 ~1715 SV1BTR 559/539 1p SV1
20061202 1736 F1FLA RO/O 1p F1
20061202 1733 F3VS RO/O 1p
6 x 5 = 30 points
Good condx in first pass.
73 and season`s greetings to all!
See u all again in January
Date Time Call Rprts QSOPts Multiplier
20061202 17:40 SV1BTR RO/O 1p SV1
20061202 17:56 LZ2US RO/O 1p LZ2
20061202 23:15 F3VS RO/O 1p F3
20061202 23:25 SP7DCS RO/O 1p SP7
20061203 00:12 KB8RQ RO/O 1p KB8
20061203 00:37 K9MRI RO/O 1p K9
Total= 6p x 6 mult = 36 points
Comments: Called OK1MS and F1FLA, but only "qrz" or wrong SM-call in return.

Rig : 800 W / 8x10 el. 1,6 wl hor.pol.
73 de Rune SM5CUI
Hello Fellow Enthusiasts, As I write this report the winds are getting stronger so the x8 2m yagi array has been tied down for the duration.
I was nearly 45 minutes late for the start of the 1st Pass due to losing pre-amp voltage, which was traced to a broken DC feed choke in the sequencer. Conditions were fair, but activity was very good. My echoes were audible most of the time, but were much weaker than in recent days. I never got around to listening to every signal I passed while tuning so there are several "gotaways", which could have been worked had I waited for a while. I worked,
I returned to work F1FLA, who had QSY'd by that time. YO2AMU was also a good signal. I called OH6CH, receiving "QRZ's", but as this was near to the end of the pass, I had to go QRT to lower the tower. I was really pleased by the level of activity and hope that you all had a similar positive experience during the 2nd Pass:)
 73, David, G4DHF 144MHz x8 2.2WL (G4DHF), IC-7000, GS35b
There were no events during September, October and November due to other EME contests
August 2006
It seems like August AWE was crashing with many other activities, like the Perseids meteor shower and summer vacation activities, hence activity was low.
12 aug.2006
20:39 SP7DCS RO O SP 21:29 OH6CH O RO OH 21:36 OK1MS O RO OK 23:30 IK2DDR O RO IK2
13 AUG.2006
06:20 K7XQ O RO K7 06:39 F3VS 549 549 F 06:58 IK1FJI 559-O RO-559 IK1 07:20 WQ5S O RO WQ5 07:28 DF6NA O RO DF6
Hello Håkan, I work last Dubus 2m activity night: LZ2US SP7DCS OK1MS IK2DDR IK1FJI DF6NA F3VS WQ5S
My equipment now is: FT847, GU78, 4 x 8WLHD 73`s Ari OH6CH
(we computed Ari's score to 8x8 = 64 points)
Hello to all Sorry for no read lot of report this event. I worked the follow stations: 13/08
05:40 IK2DDR O RO 05:50 OH6CH O RO great signal 06:00 SP7DCS O RO 549 549 06:18 OK1MS O RO 06:27 F3VS O RO 539 539 06:58 LZ2US RO O 559 559
After qso with LZ2US must go qrt due bad WX 73, Valter IK1FJI
I stayed up through the wee hours of the night/early morning for the Eu/N.A. pass of the DUBUS 2m CW event this weekend. Unfortunately I made no contacts. I heard and called OK1MS around 144.059 and LZ2US around 144.048 but no reply.
I did work KB8RQ on CW (2nd time) and made some JT65 contacts outside the DUBUS event so it was not a complete bust.
73 de Hugh VA3TO
Hello Moonbouncers
I was on in the moonrise with Echoes on my single yagi but when moon went higher i heard no more signals. I heard a little MS from other stations but nothing on EME. It Seemed very quiet and i guess most VHF:er where working the Perseids.
I was also active in moon set and heard OK1MS and LZ2US with good signals but very weak own echo only visible on spectran at this time.
I thought i should have had time to mount both yagis but it will be next weekend so everything is alright for the Italian EME contest in September and also the ARRL in OCT/NOV. I Look forward to work both EME contests and finally we have the last Dubus activity event in Dec.
73 Hakan SM7WSJ
12.08.06 20:28z OK1MS RO/O " :40 LZ2US O/RO " 21:12 DH8BQA RO/O # " :48 OH6CH O/RO " 22:50 IK2DDR O/RO 13.08.06 06:04 IK1FJI RO-549/O-549 " :33 F3VS 559/R539 " :50 DF6NA RO/O #
Result 8 x 8 = 64 points. Equipment: 16 x 8el. + gs35b
On moon rise condx were excelent, but activity was low. Later Farday changed and make things diffcult... qso with IK2DDR was hard (both H pol only) - what happens very rare;) Highlight was random cw qso with Olli DH8BQA. Olli used only single 8el + 500W and it was his first 2m cw eme qso ever. He calculated his ERP as only about 7000W. I am sure he can work bigger stations on cw. I was also happy to wkd Rainer DF6NA on random after a few nc skeds in the past.
VY 73 ! de Chris SP7DCS
Unfortunately the bad wx has not permits me to be active yesterday night, except for a couple of qso. Bad storm and high wind.This morning good conditions. As usual no US stations in. I heard very loud, only K7XQ in qso with Marko.
August 2006 Dubus 2m cw eme activity night log
Date UTC CAllsign LOCATOR TX RX Points MULTIP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/08/2006 22.52 SP7DCS JO91MN ro o 1 SP7 12/08/2006 23.30 LZ2US KN13RJ ro o 1 LZ2 13/08/2006 05.21 OK1MS JO7ØSI o ro 1 OK1 13/08/2006 05.32 OH6CH KP31BU o ro 1 OH6 13/08/2006 05.42 IK1FJI JN44LL ro o 1 IK1 13/08/2006 06.56 F3VS JN38GE 569 549 1 F3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCORE: 6 QSO X POINTS =36
4X19LLY MGF1801 8877 LINRAD
July 2006
Hi My log for 1 July activity 1/07/06 1022utc SV1BTR Just one QSO, Jimmy was the only station heard from 0930utc until my moonset.
73 Bob ZL3TY
DATE: 1 JULY 2006
1 11:11 IK2DDR O O 1 IK2
2 11:23 G4DHF O 539 1 G4
3 12:32 SM0HAX O O 1 SM0
4 11:37 YO2AMU 529-O 549-O 1 YO2
5 11:43 SV1BTR 429-O 559-O 1 SV
6 11:51 SP7DCS 539 559 1 SP
7 11:56 SM2CEW O O-559 1 SM2
8 12:05 G3ZIG O O 1 G3
9 12:14 CT1HZE O O 1 CT
SCORE 9X9 = 81
DUBUS 2m CW EME ACTIVITY EVENT: JULY LOG CAT. C --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data ora Indicativo LOCATOR TX RX Points Multip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01/07/2006 09.37 SP7DCS JO91MN ro o 1 SP7 01/07/2006 09.55 SV1BTR KM17VU 559 539 1 SV1 01/07/2006 10.06 YO2AMU KNØ6OC ro o 1 YO2 01/07/2006 10.24 G3ZIG JOØ2MR ro o 1 G3 01/07/2006 11.08 LZ2US KN13RJ o ro 1 LZ2 01/07/2006 11.45 SM2CEW KP15CR ro o 1 SM2 01/07/2006 12.29 F3VS JN38GE ro o 1 F3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Numer of QSO listed: 7 MULTIPL. 7
SCORE: 7X7 =49
Here is my contest log for the last DUBUS event. Good conditions in the morning but few stations on the air. For the future is better to avoid the parallel with terrestrial contests. I worked only 3 hours in the morning. In the evening it was impossible to continue , a lot of terrestrial station were calling me so I was obliged to finish before second time slot. Heard and called G3ZIG,F3VS. DUBUS Event Contest Log 01.07.2006 144MHz Single Operator Cat.C Nr. Date Time Call Sent Rcvd Points Multiplicator
1. 01.07.2006 09.48 SV1BTR 559 539 1 1-SV1 2. 01.07.2006 10.05 IK2DDR O RO 1 2-IK2 3. 01.07.2006 10.35 SP7DCS RO O 1 3-SP7 4. 01.07.2006 11.00 G4DHF RO O 1 4-G4 5. 01.07.2006 11.34 LZ2US 549 529 1 5-LZ2 6. 01.07.2006 12.04 SM2CEW RO O 1 6-SM2
Total qso 6 Mult 6 Total points= 36
01.07.2006 09:37 IK2DDR O/RO 1. IK2 01.07.2006 10:13 G4DHF 559/R549 2. G4 - FB with new array !!! 01.07.2006 10:28 G3LTF O/RO 3. G3 - single yagi 01.07.2006 10:37 YO2AMU O/RO 4. YO2 01.07.2006 10:53 SV1BTR R559/559 5. SV1 01.07.2006 11:48 LZ2US 539/R559 6. LZ2 01.07.2006 12:07 G3ZIG 539/R529 01.07.2006 12:17 SM2CEW 539/549 7. SM2 01.07.2006 12:23 CT1HZE O/RO 8. CT1
Score: 9 x 8 = 72
I tried to be qrv in second pass for a short time but did not make any qso. Tropo contests made cw band seqment look like HF and it was impossible to work any cw eme in SP. Moreover neighbours asked me not to tx during soccer world cup..... So I had to make qrt in NA window:( Sorry, next time I hope to be full time! Chris SP7DCS
1/7/06 0948 YO2AMU 539 559 1 1
1/7/06 0955 IK2DDR 539 559 1 1
1/7/06 1006 G4DHF 529 549 1 1
1/7/06 1017 ZL3TY O O 5 1
1/7/06 1040 G3ZIG 529 529 1 1
1/7/06 1053 SP7DCS 559 559 1 1
1/7/06 1103 CT1HZE 529 539 1 1
1/7/06 1140 LZ2US 559 429 1 1
1/7/06 1158 LA8KV O RO 1 1
1/7/06 1221 F3VS 569 559 1 1
1/7/06 1228 PA3DZL O RO 1 1
1/7/06 1803 SM2CEW 539 559 1 1
1/7/06 1812 KM5PO 529 529 1 1
Total Score: 17 * 11 = 187 points
Hello 2m EME fans this is the report from my activity of Saturday July 1st, during the monthly DUBUS 2m cw eme event:
Was happy to work 13 stations on random (no spots, no loggers, changing tx frequencies and often exchanging fully unknown text) with highlights CT1HZE (#437 2m cw eme) with a fantastic 529 signal, ZL3TY, G4DHF (David your new array works really FB, Congrats!). I was qrv a total of 4 hrs.
Worked were: YO2AMU 539/559, IK2DDR 539/559, G4DHF 529/549 (later heard solid 539-549 in QSO with other friends) , ZL3TY O/O, G3ZIG 529/529, SP9DCS 559/559, CT1HZE 529/539, LZ2US 559/429, LA8KV O/RO, F3VS 569/559, PA3DZL O/RO, SM2CEW 539/559, KM5PO 529/529.
Thanks to all & 73,
Jimmy SV1BTR 2m: 16*6el. 21.5dbd 70cm: 8*26el. 25.8dbd KM18no
I was on for part of the moonrise segment using the tropo system, 4.8L long yagi at 20m. The lower declination meant that the ground reflection area was more cluttered with trees than when the moon is at higher declination and so signals were weaker but I did have a nice QSO with Chris SP7 DCS ,(tnx) at 10.32 z and also heard G4DHF and my own echoes for about 10 minutes. I also heard SV1BTR and called a few times but no reply, but signals were not strong as by this time I was on the second lobe. No other signals heard. 73 Peter G3LTF
Hi All EME Friends, Sorry I was only on for a short time on Saturday.I had none radio visiters arrive during the first session and we had to go to a family party in the evening so missing the second session. Stations worked were IK2DDR,SV1BTR,LZ2US,SP7DCS,SM2CEW.
(I will send in a full report Peter ) I did hear echoes from David G4DHF but inconclusive as I believe you soon went QRT.(Speak to you later David) 73 Roy.g3zig
Hello EME'rs, I was only QRV for about 1.5hrs and found conditions "good". It was the first time my new antenna array had been used to make contacts and so I can only make comparisons with my previous x4 yagi system. Having tested the array on tropo, I found results a little confusing and inconclusive when I was switching between the x8 array and my 2nd group of 4x7ele yagis. I noticed some considerable interaction between the arrays in different positions and so will lower the 2nd array in the coming days, when QRV. The results off the Moon confirmed that, indeed, everything was working very well.
10.05 SV1BTR 549 529 1010 SP7DCS 559 549 1052 YO2AMU RO RO * 1120 LZ2US 539 RO
* I was confused about the timing sequence and so our contact took a little longer than anticipated, sorry.
2nd Session
2025 SM2CEW 529 RO 2055 LZ2US 549 RO (We said "Hello", again)
Activity was well down from the morning session. 73, David, G4DHF
June 2006
3/6/06 1044 SP7DCS O RO 1 1
3/6/06 1057 IK2DDR O RO 1 1
3/6/06 1103 LZ2US 529 549 1 1
3/6/06 1113 OK1MS O O 1 1
3/6/06 1122 YO2AMU O RO 1 1
3/6/06 1143 IK3MAC 549 RO 1 1
3/6/06 2109 F0CXO O RO 1 1
3/6/06 2133 SM2CEW O RO 1 1
3/6/06 2139 G3ZIG O RO 1 1
3/6/06 2147 IK7EZN O RO 1 1
3/6/06 2157 RA6DA O RO 1 1
Total Score: 11 * 11 = 121 points
Date 03-06-06 Call G4DHF Category B
I was not expecting to be QRV as I was fitting the stacking frame for the new x8 yagi array on the tower during the day. In the 2nd session, however, I could not resist listening on my 7x7ele tropo array, even though the mast head unit had been removed to the new antenna, so I was listening with the IC-7000 and driver PA pre-amp in the shack. Conditions seemed good. I worked,
Total 2x2 = 4 points
Rig, IC-7000, GS35b, 4x7ele (G4DHF)
I heard IK2DDR in QSO and was surprised by the echoes of Roy, G3ZIG. I thought he was in a pile-up when I first came across his tropo signal, only to find that his echoes where so stong at times that they remained reasonably constant, even when the tropo signals were in QSB. I called SV1BTR, but it was late and his signals faded on his moonset before I could make a 2nd call.
73, David, G4DHF
DATE: 3 JUNE 2006
1 1104 SV1BTR 549 529 1 SV
2 1137 IK3MAC O O 1 IK3
3 1255 SM2CEW O O 1 SM
4 1303 YO2AMU O O 1 YO
5 1310 SP7DCS O O 1 SP
6 1319 G3ZIG O O 1 G3
7 1329 IK2DDR O O 1 IK2
8 1334 OK1MS O O 1 OK
9 1359 IK1FJI O O 1 IK1
10 1938 RA6DA O O 1 RA6
11 1946 RN6MT O O 1 RN
12 2004 LA8KV O O 1 LA
13 2010 RU1AA O O 1 RU1
14 2037 F0CXO O O 1 F0
15 2050 DF1CF O O 1 DF1
16 2103 G4DHF O O 1 G4
SCORE: 16 X 16 = 256
Here are the stations worked on the 3rd June on 144 Mhz. UTC sent received 13:19 LZ2US RO OR 13:26 OK1MS RO OR 13:34 IK1FJI RO OR 14:24 SP7DCS NONE SCORING
19:42 F0CXO OR RO 19:46 IK3MAC OR RO 20:07 IK2DDR OR RO 20:18 DF1CF OR RO 20:35 SM2CEW OR RO 20:45 RN6MT OR RO 20:57 RA6DA OR RO 21:08 SP7DCS 539 539 21:38 SV1BTR RO OR
12 x 12 = 144 points
It was nice to be able to operate again off the moon again with good weather after high winds of recent months.Conditions appeared to be good ,always able to hear my own echoes. Thanks to everyone who called me. 73 Roy G3ZIG.
This event i was on only an our during the first slot,i have my moonrise when the moon is over 28 degrees,so every first slot i missed a lot of moon window.In second slot no qrv at all because i was at work :-( Anywhere i can work the follow stations:
13:04 SM2CEW O RO 1 POINT SM2 13:12 IK3MAC O RO " IK3 13:17 OK1MS O RO " OK1 13:25 SP7DCS O RO " SP7 13:33 G3ZIG O RO " G3 13:39 IK2DDR O RO " IK2 13:50 YO2AMU O RO " YO2 13:57 LZ2US 549 549 " LZ2
8 points x 8 multi = 64 total cat C
Strongest signal was from LZ2US ufb Marko see all of you next time
73, Valter IK1FJI 4x19xxx gu78b pre 23db 0.2NF IC-275H
Hello All, I made my 1st qso in the Dubus event yesterday and it was a pleasure. I worked IK3MAC and heard SV1BTR and saw the trace of LZ2US. I was using a 9 ele DK7ZB who will be part of my array and had it up for testing. I really could notice the app. 2 dB difference between my 12 ele DK7ZB and this one but managed to work Graziano. Hope to be qrv soon with 4 times 9
3 June 2006 21:05 IK3MAC 144045 Sent RO Rec. O 1 point x 1 multiplier = 1 point Class A
73 CUL Oene PA3CWN JO33ah
TX FT100 + GI7b 300W mgf 1302 9 ele DK7ZB 12.5 dBd, see picture below
First pass:
10:45 SV1BTR O/RO 1pnt SV
" :53 YO2AMU O/RP 1 " YO2
" 11:02 IK2DDR O/RO 1 " IK2
" 12:47 IK3MAC RO/O 1 " IK3
" 13:11 LZ2US RO/O 1 " LZ2
" :25 IK1FJI RO/O 1 " IK1
" :53 OK1MS RO/O 1 " OK1
After first pass (no points;):
" 14:25 G3ZIG O/RO 0
Second pass:
" 20:16 RU1AA O/RO 1 " RU1
" :21 SM2CEW O/RO 1 " SM2
" :30 RN6MT O/RO 1 " RN6
" 21;02 DF1CF O/RO 1 " DF1
" :08 G3ZIG 539/R539 1 G3
" :40 RA6DA O/RO 1 " RA6
" 22:05 F0CXO O/RO 1 " F0
SCORE: 14pnt x 14m = 196 points
Comments: As usual I had great fun and nice time! I found conditions quite
good and nice activity from EU. Unfortunatelly noone outside EU was
worked... (Faraday?) I am happy to add DF1CF as new initial:) See You all
next time!
VY 73 ! de Chris SP7DCS
We had bad condition this time. All the time an awfully rain , electric
storm and a lot of strange signals working like a screw-driver in my
ears. Never heard such a qrm diversity. Over all such a terestrial
contest and also a romanian 144/432/1296. Often I got calls.
Heard you during your qso with SV1BTR. Incredible weak signals from
IK3MAC. I tryed 2 times to work him! Best signal - LZ2US.
Heard K9MRI.
Attached is my contest log as Notepad format.
73 de Doru, YO2AMU
DUBUS Event Contest Log 03.06.2006
144MHz Single Operator
Nr. Date Time Call Sent Rcvd Points Multiplicator
1. 03.06.2006 10.52 SP7DCS O RO 1 1-SP
2. 03.06.2006 11.23 SV1BTR O RO 1 2-SV
3. 03.06.2006 13.02 LZ2US O RO 1 3-LZ
4. 03.06.2006 13.43 OK1MS O RO 1 4-OK
5. 03.06.2006 13.53 IK1FJI O RO 1 5-IK
6. 03.06.2006 20.26 IK3MAC O RO 1 -
Total 6 x 5
Total points = 30
DUBUS JUNE 2006 2m cw activity night result JUNE 03 2006 CAT. "C" (TILL 22dbd) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date time callsign LOCATOR TX RX Mulipl. points --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03/06/2006 10.56 SV1BTR ro O SV1 1 03/06/2006 11.02 SP7DCS ro O SP7 1 03/06/2006 11.25 OK1MS ro O OK1 1 03/06/2006 12.03 SM2CEW KP15CR ro O SM2 1 03/06/2006 12.36 IK3MAC JN55SH O RO IK3 1 03/06/2006 12.54 IZ2DJP/P O RO IZ2 1 03/06/2006 13.28 LZ2US KN13RJ RO O LZ2 1 03/06/2006 13.40 IK1FJI JN44LL RO O IK1 1 03/06/2006 19.58 K9MRI EN7ØIU RO o K9 1 03/06/2006 20.08 G3ZIG JOØ2MR RO O G3 1 03/06/2006 20.20 RN6MT KN97LN RO O RN6 1 03/06/2006 20.26 RU1AA KP4ØXD RO O RU1 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCORE: 12 QSO = 12 POINTS X 12 MULTIPL. = 144 POINTS
May 2006
01:35 IK2DDR O/RO 1p IK2
07:35 F3VS RO-559/O-539 1p F3
07:50 EA3DXU RO-539/0-449 1p EA3
07:58 IK1FJI RO/O 1p IK1
08:28 YO2AMU O/RO 1p YO2
08:33 LZ1DP O-549/RO-559 1p LZ1
08:46 OK1YK O/RO-559 1p OK1
RESULT: 7p x 7m = 49 points - qrv 75% of time. wkd also GW3XYW on
73 de Chris SP7DCS
Here is my contest log for 20.05.2006 .144MHz.
Worked only in second leg, because of low Moon behind buildings, in the first leg!
Date 20.05.2006
Time Call Sent Received Points Mult.
0733 EA3DXU RO O 1 1 -EA3
0746 IK1FJI O RO 1 2 -IK1
0807 LZ1DP O RO 1 3 -LZ1
0827 SP7DCS RO O 1 4 -SP7
Total 16 points
Worked IK2DDR at 0110utc
Heard SP7DCS in qso with IK2DDR just before my moonset at 0140utc
73 Bob ZL3TY

My antenna is 4x12el K1FO yagis, Tx GU74b, 500W out.The picture shows my horizon at moonset, good for my Eu window.
CAT.C between 18.5 and 22 dbd
Data ora Indicativo LOCATOR TX RX Points MULTIP
20/05/2006 01.07 ZL3TY RE57 o ro 5 ZL3
20/05/2006 01.36 SP7DCS JO91MN ro o 1 SP7
20/05/2006 07.13 F3VS JN38GE ro o 1 F3
20/05/2006 07.53 IK1FJI JN44LL ro o 1 IK1
20/05/2006 08.25 I2RV JN45PL ro o 1 I2
4X19LLY MGF1801 8877 LINRAD
Hello to all I was on for about 2 hours, i worked the follow
07:35 OK1YK O RO 1 " OK (NEW)
07:43 YO2AMU O RO 1 " YO
07:50 IK2DDR O RO 1 " IK2
07.58 SP7DCS O RO 1 " SP
08:10 F3VS O RO 1 " F
08:16 LZ1DP O RO 1 " LZ
08.54 I2RV O RO 1 "
TOTAL 8 X 7 = 56 POINT
ON 6/5 DL8YHR ON 8/5 W8PAT new init NICE CW QSO
73, Valter IK1FJI
4x19xxx gu78b ic-275h
March 2006
DATE: 4 MARCH 2006
1 0935 RU1AA O O 1 RU1
2 0942 F9HS O O 1 F9
3 0954 RN6MT O O 1 RN6
4 1020 SP7DCS O O 1 SP7
5 1029 OK1MS O O 1 OK1
6 1037 LZ1DP O O 1 LZ
7 1050 SM3MXR O O 1 SM3
8 1057 YO2AMU O O 1 YO
9 1105 IK1FJI O O 1 IK1
10 1111 IK2DDR O O 1 IK2
11 1142 SV1BTR 549 559 1 SV
12 1738 F1FLA O O 1 F1
13 1810 SM2CEW O O 1 SM2
14 1839 YU150CF O O 1 YU150
15 1950 KB8RQ 559 569 1 KB8
16 2010 K7MAC O O 1 K7
SCORE: 16 X 16 = 256
Logbook SM3MXR, March 4, 2006. 144MHz
19:16 RU1AA O RO 1 RU1 20:15 IK2DDR O RO 1 IK2
Total: 6 QSO x 6 mult = 36 points
DATE TIME WKD RST RST QSO/PTS MUL 2006-03-04 0824 RN6MT O RO 1 1 2006-03-04 0836 F9HS O RO 1 1 2006-03-04 0847 LZ1DP O RO 1 1 2006-03-04 0854 RU1AA 549 559 1 1 2006-03-04 0900 SM2BYA O 539 1 1 2006-03-04 0909 YO2AMU 529 539 1 1 2006-03-04 0958 OK1MS RO O 1 1 2006-03-04 1009 SP7DCS 529 549 1 1 2006-03-04 1015 G4DHF O RO 1 1 2006-03-04 1027 JH2COZ O RO 1 1 2006-03-04 1034 SM3MXR O RO 1 1 2006-03-04 1041 F1FLA O RO 1 1 2006-03-04 1047 SM2CEW O RO 1 2006-03-04 1053 DF2ZC O RO 1 1 2006-03-04 1100 IK2DDR O RO 1 1 2006-03-04 1115 IK1FJI 539 549 1 1 2006-03-04 1142 LZ2US 559 549 1 1 2006-03-04 1705 W0PT O RO 1 1 2006-03-04 1731 SM2ILF O RO 1 2006-03-04 1749 YU150CF O RO 1 1 2006-03-04 1756 WB2BYP O RO 1 1 2006-03-04 1804 VE6JW O RO 1 1 2006-03-04 1811 W7EME 539 579 1 1 2006-03-04 1855 SM5TSP O RO 1 1 2006-03-04 1916 KB8RQ 569 559 1 1 2006-03-04 1954 G6LI O RO 1 1
Total Score: 26 * 24 = 624 points
DUBUS CW EME activity event. LZ1DP Cat "C"-04.March 2006
04.03.06 08,25 OK1MS O/RO 1 OK 04.03.06 08,37 SM2BYA O/RO 1 SM2 04.03.06 08,52 SV1BTR RO/O 1 SV 04.03.06 09,07 SP7DCS RO/O 1 SP 04.03.06 10,42 LZ2US O/RO 1 LZ 04.03.06 10,53 IK2DDR RO/O 1 IK2 04.03.06 11,09 F1FLA RO/O 1 IK1 04.03.06 11,32 IK1FJI RO/O 1 IK1 04.03.06 11,44 SM3MXR RO/O 1 SM3 04.03.06 11,48 YO2AMU O/RO 1 YO 04.03.06 18,08 SM2CEW O/RO 1 --- 04.03.06 19,22 YU150CF RO/O 1 YU 04.03.06 19,36 KB8RQ RO/O 1 KB8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total: 13 x 12 =156 Best 73 !!! Christo/LZ1DP/
20060304 G4DHF O/RO 1p G4 " IK2DDR O/RO 1p IK2 " LZ1DP O/RO 1p LZ1 " RU1AA O/RP 1p RU1 " RN6MT O/RO 1p RN6 " SM2CEW O/RO 1p SM2 " SV1BTR R549/529 1p SV1 " LZ2US O/RO 1p LZ2 " YO2AMU O/RO 1p YO2 " IK1FJI RO/O 1p IK1 " KB8RQ R579/559 1p KB8 " YU150CF RO/O 1p YU150
Total= 12 x 12 =144point
Thanks for nice qso! GL,73!Chris SP7DCS
This activity pass i found very bad conditions, and less stations qrv polarizations seem ortogonal for long time. I had hight QRN and quite eavy wind, after the EME slot with antenna parking i had one antenna little damage due wind, lucky is one near ground so easy to repair. Anywhere i worked:
Call IK1FJI 4/03/06
10:50 SM2CEW O RO 1POINT SM2 11:05 LZ2US RO O 1 " LZ2 11:15 SV1BTR 549 539 1 " SV1 11:25 LZ1DP O RO 1 " LZ1 11:55 IK2DDR O RO 1 " IK2 11:58 YO2AMU O RO 1 " YO2 17:38 YU150CF O RO 1 " YU1 17:46 SM2ILF O RO 1 " 18:00 SM2BYA O RO 1 " 18:10 SP7DCS O RO 1 " SP7 18:35 VE6JW O RO 1 " VE6 19:49 RU1AA O RO 1 " RU1 20:00 KB8RQ RO O 1 " KB8 20:20 F9HS O RO 1 " F9
14X12= 16800 Points
Heard SM3MXR F1FLA Also 3 stations calling me at the same time, perhaps one was LU6KK but no qso too close signals!!
73, Valter IK1FJI 4X19xxx gu78b ic27
I worked with a new group of antennas in this event, but only closely spaced so the stacking gain was not optimum. The additional 0.75dB of gain was well worth having. I worked the following stations.
Section B
Date Call Rpt QSO Mult 20060304 SP7DCS RO/RO 1 1 20060304 SV1BTR 559/RO 1 1 20060304 KB8RQ RO/RO 1 1
I called, LZ2US (529), IK1FJI (539), OK1MS (529), SM2ILS (529) but received only "QRZ's". Also heard was SM2BYR. The faraday was bad for my H-pol only system. 73, David, G4DHF 4x9ele (2.3W/G4DHF), K2/txvtr, GS35B

04-03-06 SV1BTR 18.03 R/R 1.5pts 04-03-06 IK1FJI 18.40 R/R 1.5pts score 2x1.5x2=6
Chased F1FLA 1703 to 1728, got qrz VE6, then got jumped on. Heard KB8RQ and SV1BTR qso both sides strong around 1910(?) KB8RQ was first NA station heard in three months. Sparse qsos but fun!! Jack L R Williams
Hello, DUBUS 2m CW eme activity night (march 04 edition) final log:
04.03.06 0843 144 CW SP7DCS RO O ------ SP7 -- 04.03.06 0926 144 CW RU1AA RO O ------ RU1 -- 04.03.06 1002 144 CW SM2CEW RO O ------ SM2 -- 04.03.06 1047 144 CW LZ1DP O RO ------ LZ1 -- 04.03.06 1100 144 CW SV1BTR RO O ------ SV1 -- 04.03.06 1110 144 CW LZ2US RO O ------ LZ2 -- 04.03.06 1154 144 CW IK1FJI RO O ------ IK1 -- 04.03.06 1712 144 CW F1FLA O RO ------ F1 -- 04.03.06 1747 144 CW SM2BYA RO O ------ ------------ -- 04.03.06 1758 144 CW YU150CF RO O ------ YU1 -- 04.03.06 1825 144 CW SM2ILF O RO ------ ------------ -- 04.03.06 1832 144 CW YO2AMU O RO ------ YO2 -- 04.03.06 1908 144 CW KB8RQ RO O ------ KB8 -- 04.03.06 1950 144 CW LZ1UK O RO ------ ------------ -- 04.03.06 2016 144 CW SM3MXR RO O ------ SM3 --
SCORE : 15 qso points X 12 MULTIP. = 180 points CAT:C STATION SETUP: 4X19LLY MGF1801 8877 LINRAD
I had very bad conditions here! Also troubles with my PA (the power output sonde)so, I lost the Moonrise when the conditions are excellent for me. Funny thing! To east, my antenna is looking over the whole town. I heard you in the morning but my PA was open! Hi! Latter was very bad!
Here is my contest log; Date 04.04.06 Time Call Sent/Rcvd Points Mult 09.09 SV1BTR 539/529 1 1-SV1 10.27 SP7DCS RO/O 1 2-SP7 10.39 OK1MS O/RO 1 3-OK1 11.00 LZ2US RO/O 1 4-LZ2 11.44 LZ1DP RO/O 1 5-LZ1 11.59 IK1FJI RO/O 1 6-IK1 18.33 IK2DDR RO/O 1 7-IK2 19.04 KB8RQ 559/559 1 8-KB8 19.27 RU1AA RO/O 1 9-RU1 19.34 YU150CF RO/O 1 10-YU 20.03 SM2ILF RO/O 1 11-SM2 Points:11 Mult.:11 SCORE: 121
(log corrected, QSO with KB8RQ is 1p, not 1.5)
I had a family Birthday party to attend which happened to fall right within the NA window of the DUBUS event so I unfortunately was not able to participate.
I did however successfully work Jimmy, SV1BTR in a prearranged 2m sked at 2030 (right after the DUBUS event). Later on I contacted Gary KB8RQ and asked him if we could try a CW contact at 2130 UTC to which he agreed. It went very well as we managed to complete quickly in successive exchanges !
So despite my inability to participate in the DUBUS event I still had a pretty good weekend. 2 more initials to add to my 2m QRP EME CW log. My thanks to Jimmy and Gary ! 73 de Hugh VA3TO
February 2006
Seemed fair to good conditions for activity yesterday, 4 Feb. I was active only 1.5 hours due to family committments. See you in March.
Date Time Call Sent Recv 2/4/2006 21:26 IK3MAC RO O 2/4/2006 21:35 SV1BTR 549 529 2/4/2006 22:36 IK2DDR O RO 2/4/2006 22:45 LZ2US O RO 2/4/2006 22:48 SP7DCS O RO
73's, Jim/KM5PO
(Note. We computed Jim's score to 5 x 1.5 x 5 = 37.5 points)
Nr. Date Time Call Sent Rcvd P-ts. Mult.
1. 04.02 1300 IK1FJI RO O 1 1-IK1
2. 04.02 1307 LZ1DP RO O 1 2-LZ1
3. 04.02 1317 LZ2US RO O 1 3-LZ2
4. 04.02 1321 IK3MAC 559 O 1 4-IK3
5. 04.02 1328 F3VS 559 549 1 5-F3
6. 04.02 1949 SV1BTR 559 539 1 6-SV1
7. 04.02 2009 SM2CEW O RO 1 7-SM2
8. 04.02 2039 G3ZIG RO O 1 8-G3
9. 04.02 2054 OK1MS O RO 1 9-OK1
10. 04.02 2111 SP7DCS RO O 1 10-SP7
11. 04.02 2122 RA3AQ RO O 1 11-RA3
12. 04.02 2146 IK2DDR O RO 1 12-IK2
TOTAL 132 pts
DATE TIME WKD RST RST QSO/PTS MUL 2006-02-04 1837 SM2CEW O RO 1 1 2006-02-04 1843 LZ1DP O RO 1 1 2006-02-04 1850 SP7DCS 539 559 1 1 2006-02-04 1855 LZ2US 559 539 1 1 2006-02-04 1903 F1FLA 549 539 1 1 2006-02-04 1911 RA6DA O 549 1 1 2006-02-04 1919 VE6JW O RO 1 1 2006-02-04 1924 IK2DDR 529 RO 1 1 2006-02-04 1930 F3VS 569 559 1 1 2006-02-04 1937 G4YTL 529 539 1 1 2006-02-04 1942 G4DHF O RO 1 2006-02-04 1949 YO2AMU 539 559 1 1 2006-02-04 1959 I3EVK O RO 1 1 2006-02-04 2005 SM2EKM O RO 1 2006-02-04 2011 OK1MS O RO 1 1 2006-02-04 2017 YU1CF 539 559 1 1 2006-02-04 2022 G3ZIG 539 539 1 1 2006-02-04 2028 PA3CMC 539 539 1 1 2006-02-04 2037 IK3MAC 579 589 1 1 2006-02-04 2046 RU1AA 559 579 1 1 2006-02-04 2125 N9LR O RO 1 1 2006-02-04 2132 KM5PO 529 549 1 1 2006-02-04 2202 W6AT O RO 1 1
Total Score: 23 * 21 = 483 points
04.02.06 09,33 SP7DCS O/RO 1 SP7 04.02.06 10,00 LZ2US O/RO 1 LZ2 04.02.06 10,32 SM2CEW RO/O 1 SM2 04.02.06 11,25 F3VS RO/O 1 F3 04.02.06 11,52 IK3MAC RO/O 1 IK3 04.02.06 12,07 G3ZIG RO/O 1 G3 04.02.06 12,45 IK2DDR RO/O 1 IK2 04.02.06 12,57 IK1FJI RO/O 1 IK1 04.02.06 13,11 YO2AMU O/RO 1 YO2 04.02.06 13,21 RU1AA O/RO 1 RU1 04.02.06 18,48 SV1BTR RO/O 1 SV1 04.02.06 19,32 OK1MS RO/O 1 OK1 04.02.06 19,55 RA6DA O/RO 1 RA6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 13 x 13=169
In January I heard absolutely zero! So I rebuilt things a bit for Feb. In both Jan and Feb I didn't hear a single North American station at all. Following is my " mini log" for Feb 06
20060204 1918z SV1BTR RO/RO 1p SV1 579 at times 20060204 1937z IK3MAC RO/RO 1p IK3 " " " Total 2x2 = 4! (Note. Correction to Jack's score to 2 x 1.5 x 2 = 6 points. Contacts made by stations in NA counts 1.5 points)
I chased IK1FJI ( strong sigs)for quite while but couldn't bust through! I heard the following but didn't work them: LZ1DP, SM2CEW(partial, got cew) and F1FLI. I guess my Horizontal-only antennas need polarity switching.
20060204 IK3MAC o/ro 1p IK3 " RA6DA o/ro 1p ra6 " LZ1DP o/ro 1p LZ1 " YO2AMU o/ro 1p YO2 " SP7DCS o/ro 1p SP7 " IK2DDR o/ro 1p IK2 " I3EVK O/ro 1p I3 " SM2EKM o/ro 1p SM2 " SM2BYA O/ro 1p
Total=9pX8 mult =72 points
heard F3VS, G3ZIG, G4DHF
200600204 LZ1DP RO/O 1p lz1 " SM2CEW RO/O 1p sm2 " RA6DA O/RO 1p ra6 " LZ2US RO/O 1p lz2 " SM2EKM O/RO 1p - " G3ZIG O/RO 1p g3 " JH5FOQ O/RO 1p jh5 " IK2DDR O/RO 1p ik2 " IK1FJI RO/O 1p ik1 " F0CXO O/RO 1p f0 " RU1AA O/RO 1p ru1 " SM2BYA O/RO 1p - " SV1BTR 559/R539 1p sv1 " F3VS RO/O 1p f3 " OK1MS O/RO 1p ok1 " IK3MAC O/RO 1p ik3 " RA3AQ O/RO 1p ra3 " YO2AMU O/RO 1p yo2 " I3EVK O/RO 1p i3 " KL6M O/RO 1p kl6 " KM5PO RO/O 1p km5 TOTAL SCORE = 21 x 19 = 399 points
Feb 4 2006 LZ2US RO V O V SV1BTR 539 H 539 H IK2DDR O V RO V RA6DA O H RO H
73's Lins PA3CMC
(Note. We computed Lins's score to 4 x 1 x 4 = 16 points)
DUBUS 2M CW EME ACTIVITY NIGHT: 04 February 2006 final result
04.02.06 1020 144 CW SM2CEW RO O ------ SM2 -- 04.02.06 1034 144 CW LZ2US RO O ------ LZ2 -- 04.02.06 1056 144 CW I3EVK O RO ------ I3 -- 04.02.06 1113 144 CW F3VS RO O ------ F3 -- 04.02.06 1207 144 CW SP7DCS RO O ------ SP7 -- 04.02.06 1223 144 CW G3ZIG RO O ------ G3 -- 04.02.06 1240 144 CW LZ1DP O RO ------ LZ1 -- 04.02.06 1250 144 CW IK3MAC O RO ------ IK3 -- 04.02.06 1318 144 CW IK1FJI RO O ------ IK1 -- 04.02.06 1925 144 CW SV1BTR RO O ------ SV1 -- 04.02.06 1949 144 CW SM2EKM RO O ------ ------------ -- 04.02.06 2024 144 CW OK1MS RO O ------ OK1 -- 04.02.06 2054 144 CW PA3CMC RO O ------ PA3 -- 04.02.06 2131 144 CW RA3AQ RO O ------ RA3 -- 04.02.06 2145 144 CW YO2DMU RO O ------ YO2 --
TOTAL SCORE: 15 qso X 14 Multip. = 210 point
Note: i do not calculate 2 extra qso with RA6DA (22:03 z) and KM5PO (22:32 z) due out from activity night slots.
TX: IC275H 8877 RX: LINRAD Preamp. MGF1801 ANT. 4X19LLY
73' Francesco IK2DDR
SM2EKM It was good fun however Farady was very tricky to me with only horizontal antennas. I worked
F3VS. Also heard LZ1DP OK1MS G3ZIG with good signals.
73 Jim SM2EKM
(Note. We computed Jim's score to 7 x 1 x 7 = 49 points)
4.02.06 11:28 144.046 cw IK3MAC RO559 OR 4.02.07 11:37 144.046 cw SM2CEW OR RO 4.02.08 11:54 144.042 cw SP7DCS RO OR 4.02.09 12:00 144.049 cw LZ1DP OR RO 4.02.10 12:24 144.043 cw IK2DDR OR RO 4.02.11 20:20 144.047 cw SV1BTR 539 539 4.02.12 20:40 144.049 cw YO2AMU OR RO 4.02.13 20:47 144.042 cw F3VS OR539 RO529 4.02.14 20:55 144.042 cw LZ2US OR RO 4.02.15 21:15 144.042 cw RA6DA OR RO 4.02.16 22:43 144.049 cw OK1MS RO OR
I thank everyone who called and sorry to stations I missed.I do hope everyone enjoyed the activity weekend as muct as I did. 73 Roy.
We computed Roy's score to 11 x 11 = 121 points
20060204 F3VS 549 RO 1P F 20060204 IK3MAC 559 RO 1P IK3 20060204 SV1BTR RO RO 1P SV1
Score 3p x 3m = 9 All events were a great challenge, but enormous fun.
Date Call Sent/Rec'd QSO Pts Multiplier 20060204 IK3MAC RO/OOO 1.5p IK3
Score 1.5 X 1 = 1.5points Category: Total antenna gain up to 15dBd.
LOG 4 FEB 2006 UTC CALL S R P M 09.56 LZ1DP 10.13 SM2CEW 10.35 IK2DDR 10.50 RA6DA 11.38 IK3MAC 11.43 SP7DCS 11.50 JH5FOQ 12.52 F3VS 559 549 13.14 RU1AA 13.16 YO2AMU 18.56 SV1BTR 539 559 19.26 SM2BYA 19.35 SM2EKM 20.02 PA3CMC 20.45 RA3AQ 20.57 G3ZIG 21.51 OK1MS 22.00 I3EVK
MULT. 14 TOTAL QSO 18 TOTAL PTS = 18 LZ SM2 IK2 RA6 IK3 SP JH F3 YO SV PA RA3 OK I3 SCORE: 18 X 14 = 252
04.02.06 1132 144 CW G3ZIG O RO (1) 04.02.06 1135 144 CW JH5FOQ O RO 04.02.06 1139 144 CW LZ2US O RO 04.02.06 1144 144 CW I3EVK O RO 04.02.06 1150 144 CW LZ1DP O RO 04.02.06 1155 144 CW SM7WSJ O RO 04.02.06 1159 144 CW SM2CEW O RO 04.02.06 1204 144 CW RA6DA O RO 04.02.06 1210 144 CW G4YTL O RO 04.02.06 1214 144 CW SM2EKM O RO 04.02.06 1238 144 CW IK1FJI O RO 04.02.06 1253 144 CW IK2DDR O RO 04.02.06 1304 144 CW F3VS O RO 04.02.06 1325 144 CW YO2AMU O RO 04.02.06 1329 144 CW G4DHF O RO 04.02.06 1332 144 CW F0CXO O RO 04.02.06 1915 144 CW OK1MS O RO 04.02.06 1931 144 CW DF9CY O RO 04.02.06 1938 144 CW VE6JW O RO 04.02.06 2008 144 CW W6AT O RO 04.02.06 2011 144 CW SP7DCS O RO 04.02.06 2023 144 CW VA3TO O RO 04.02.06 2036 144 CW LU6KK O RO 04.02.06 2039 144 CW SV1BTR O RO 04.02.06 2047 144 CW KL6M O RO 04.02.06 2051 144 CW RA3AQ O RO 04.02.06 2057 144 CW YU1CF O RO 04.02.06 2103 144 CW OH6CH O RO 04.02.06 2129 144 CW KM5PO O RO 04.02.06 2139 144 CW K9MRI O RO (30) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total:30qso Mult:OK1,SP7,G4,G3,DF9,SV1,LZ2,LZ1,SM2,SM7,RA6,RA3,F3, F0,YO2,VE6,VA3,KM5,K9,KL6,W6,I3,IK1,IK2,YU1,OH6,JH5,LU6.
34 x 28 = 952 points
January 2006
07.01.06 1219 144 CW SP7DCS RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 1239 144 CW SV1BTR RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 1248 144 CW OZ1HNE RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 1324 144 CW SM3MXR RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 1336 144 CW IZ2DJP O RO points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 1356 144 CW PA2CHR O RO points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 1411 144 CW F0CXO O RO points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 1416 144 CW LZ2US O RO points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 1430 144 CW F3VS 549 559 points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 1442 144 CW IK1FJI RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 2003 144 CW I3DLI RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 2011 144 CW YO2AMU RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 2050 144 CW IK3MAC RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 2101 144 CW LZ1DP O RO points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 2203 144 CW KB8RQ RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 2209 144 CW SM2ILF RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 2308 144 CW K6PF RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 2334 144 CW OK1MS RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 07.01.06 2343 144 CW K9MRI RO O points: 1 Multip: 1
19 QSO for a total of 19 points and 19 Multip. TOTAL SCORE: 361 points
Nr. Date Time Call S ent Rcvd P-ts. Mult.
1. 07.01 1257 SV1BTR 559 529 1 1-SV
2. 07.01 1312 IK3MAC 539 O 1 2-IK3
3. 07.01 1327 RU1AA RO O 1 3-RU1
4. 07.01 1334 F1FLA RO O 1 4-F1
5. 07.01 1506 F3VS 539 539 1 5-F3
6. 07.01 1624 LZ2US O RO 1 6-LZ2
7. 07.01 1953 IK3MAC 559 539 0 0
8. 07.01 1956 IK1FJI RO O 1 7-IK1
9. 07.01 2018 IK2DDR O RO 1 8-IK2
10. 07.01 2031 I3DLI RO O 1 9-I3
11. 07.01 2135 KB8RQ 559 559 1 10-KB8
12. 07.01 2208 K9MRI RO O 1 11-K9
TOTAL 121 points.
DATE TIME WKD RST RST QSO/PTS MUL 2006-01-07 1147 IK3MAC 569 579 1 1 2006-01-07 1156 SP7DCS 529 539 1 1 2006-01-07 1208 DL8EBW* O RO 1 1 2006-01-07 1222 LZ1DP O RO 1 1 2006-01-07 1235 LZ2US 529 539 1 1 2006-01-07 1239 IK2DDR 539 549 1 1 2006-01-07 1250 DF1CF O RO 1 1 2006-01-07 1256 YO2AMU 529 559 1 1 2006-01-07 1304 SM2CEW 539 549 1 1 2006-01-07 1307 F1FLA O RO 1 1 2006-01-07 1311 PA2CHR 529 539 1 1 2006-01-07 1316 F3VS 569 559 1 1 2006-01-07 1330 F0CXO 529O 1 1 2006-01-07 1344 PE1LWT O RO 1 1 2006-01-07 1351 SM3MXR 529 529 1 1 2006-01-07 1358 RU1AA 529 569 1 1 2006-01-07 1403 IK7EZN 529 559 1 1 2006-01-07 1411 UA9SL O RO/559 1 1 2006-01-07 1420 IQ1SM O RO 1 1 2006-01-07 1446 9H1PA 529 519 1 1 2006-01-07 2002 PA1GYS* O RO 1 1 2006-01-07 2017 OH6CH O RO 1 1 2006-01-07 2032 LU6KK O RO 5 1 2006-01-07 2057 PA3FPQ O RO 1 1 2006-01-07 2103 EA3DXU O 539 1 1 2006-01-07 2107 G3ZIG 529 549 1 1 2006-01-07 2113 G4DHF O RO 1 1 2006-01-07 2130 EA6VQ 539 539 1 1 2006-01-07 2135 K6PF 529O 1 1 2006-01-07 2145 I3DLI 539 559 1 1 2006-01-07 2152 K7XQ O RO 1 1 2006-01-07 2158 IK1FJI 549 549 1 1 2006-01-07 2221 G6LI O RO 1 1 2006-01-07 2227 DF7KF 559 559 1 1 2006-01-07 2233 EI4DQ O RO 1 1 2006-01-07 2240 K7MAC 539RO 1 2006-01-07 2247 OZ1HNE 539 549 1 1 2006-01-07 2253 SM2ILF 529 529 1 2006-01-07 2259 OK1MS 529RO 1 1 2006-01-07 2308 KB8RQ 569 569 1 1
Total Score: 44 * 38 = 1672 points
Date Call Sent/Rec'd QSO Pts Multiplier 20060107 IK3MAC RO/OOO 1.5p IK3
Score 1.5 x 1 = 1.5p
Category: Total antenna gain up to 15dBd.
LZ1DP Cat.C JANUARY 7.2006
07.01.06 11,16 SP7DCS RO/O 1 SP7 07.01.06 11,47 IK3MAC RO/O 1 IK3 07.01.06 12,07 OZ1HNE RO/O 1 OZ1 07.01.06 12,21 LZ2US RO/O 1 LZ2 07.01.06 12,27 SV1BTR RO/O 1 SV1 07.01.06 13,24 PA2CHR O/RO 1 PA2 07.01.06 13,50 RU1AA RO/O 1 RU1 07.01.06 14,05 F1FLA RO/O 1 F1 07.01.06 14,17 F3VS RO/O 1 F3 07.01.06 14,30 IK1FJI RO/O 1 IK1 07.01.06 20,11 I3DLI RO/O 1 I3 07.01.06 21,05 IK2DDR RO/O 1 IK2 07.01.06 21,22 KB8RQ RO/O 1 KB8 07.01.06 21,52 K9MRI RO/O 1 K9 07.01.06 22,36 K6PF RO/O 1 K6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 15 x 15=225
20060107 F0CXO o/ro 1p F0 " LZ2US o/ro 1p lz2 " LZ1DP o/ro 1p LZ1 " IK7EZN O/ro 1p IK7 " IK2DDR O/ro 1p IK2 " PA2CHR O/ro 1p PA2 " DF2ZC O/ro 1p DL2 " YO2AMU o/ro 1p YO2 " SP7DCS o/ro 1p SP7 " OZ1HNE o/ro 1p OZ1 " K2AXX o/ro 1.5p K2 " W7IUV O/ro 1.5p W7 " SM2CEW ro/o 1p SM2 " OK1MS o/ro 1p OK1 " SM2ILF O/ro 1p " SV1BTR ro/o 1p SV1 " IK3MAC RO/o 1p IK3 " KM5PO ro/o 1.5p k5 " KB8RQ RO/o 1:5p k8
total= 21pX18mult =378 points
20060107 LZ1DP O/RO 1p lz1 " OZ1HNE O/RO 1p oz1 " G3LTF O/RO 1p g3 " SV1BTR 539/R529 1p sv1 " LZ2US 549/R529 1p lz2 " SM2ILF O/RO 1p sm2 " IK2DDR O/RO 1p ik2 " VK2KU O/RO 1p vk2 " SM2CEW O/RO 1p ---- " OH6CH O/RO 1p oh6 " RU1AA RO/O 1p ru1 " SM3MXR RO/O 1p sm3 " F3VS 559/R539 1p f3 " IK3MAC 559/R549 1p ik3 " 9H1PA O/RO 1p 9h1 " IK1FJI RO/O 1p ik1 " I3DLI RO/O 1p i3 " PA2CHR RO/O 1p pa2 " OK1MS RO/O 1p ok1 " EA6VQ RO/O 1p ea6 " K9MRI RO/O 1p k9 " KB8RQ RO/O 1p kb8
TOTAL SCORE = 22 x 21=462 points
20060107 IK3MAC 559 RO 1P IK3 20060107 SV1BTR 539 RO 1P SV1 20060107 OZ1HNE# 529 RO 1P OZ 20060107 KB8RQ 529 RO 1P W8 20060107 OK1MS RO RO 1P OK
Score 5p x 5m = 25
LOG 7 JAN 2006 11.54 OZ1HNE O 529 12.02 SP7DCS 529 549 12.18 LZ1DP 12.26 SM2ILF 12.32 SV1BTR 539 529 12.51 VK2KU POINTS 5 13.04 PA2CHR 13.16 SM3MXR 13.40 SM2CEW 13.45 RU1AA 14.09 F1FLA 14.17 IK2DDR 14.24 IK1FJI 14.28 F3VS 559 559 20.14 I3DLI 20.50 F8PKC 21.02 K9MRI 21.36 IK3MAC 559 549 22.48 OH6CH MULT: 17 QSO: 19 PTS: 5 + 18 = 23 OZ SP LZ SM2 SV VK PA SM3 RU1 F1 IK2 IK1 F3 I3 F8 K9 OH
SCORE: 23 X 17 =391
07.01.06 1145 144 CW LZ1DP O RO (1) 07.01.06 1150 144 CW SV1BTR O RO 07.01.06 1156 144 CW SM5TSP O RO 07.01.06 1202 144 CW SM2ILF O RO 07.01.06 1210 144 CW PA2DW O RO 07.01.06 1212 144 CW G3LTF O RO 07.01.06 1216 144 CW PA2CHR O RO 07.01.06 1220 144 CW DK3EE O RO 07.01.06 1224 144 CW G4DHF O RO 07.01.06 1230 144 CW IQ1SM O RO 07.01.06 1236 144 CW DF1CF O RO 07.01.06 1254 144 CW YL2HA O RO 07.01.06 1307 144 CW PE1LWT O RO 07.01.06 1310 144 CW VK2KU O RO 07.01.06 1313 144 CW YO2AMU O RO 07.01.06 1320 144 CW KG6DX O RO 07.01.06 1326 144 CW IK7EZN O RO 07.01.06 1330 144 CW IZ2DJP O RO 07.01.06 1338 144 CW SK6EI O RO 07.01.06 1350 144 CW OH6CH O RO 07.01.06 1405 144 CW RU1AA O RO 07.01.06 1415 144 CW YU7AA O RO 07.01.06 1424 144 CW SM3MXR O RO 07.01.06 1430 144 CW JH2COZ O RO 07.01.06 1451 144 CW SP7DCS 549 559 07.01.06 1508 144 CW DF2ZC O RO 07.01.06 1511 144 CW F3VS 589 569 07.01.06 1957 144 CW I3MEK O RO 07.01.06 2005 144 CW W7IUV O RO 07.01.06 2009 144 CW YO2II O RO 07.01.06 2018 144 CW SM2CEW O RO 07.01.06 2023 144 CW SV8CS O RO 07.01.06 2031 144 CW G6LI O RO 07.01.06 2041 144 CW N9LR O RO 07.01.06 2047 144 CW K2AXX O RO 07.01.06 2051 144 CW IK2DDR O RO 07.01.06 2059 144 CW G3ZIG O RO 07.01.06 2105 144 CW F0CXO O RO 07.01.06 2111 144 CW DL9MS O RO 07.01.06 2115 144 CW K6PF O RO 07.01.06 2119 144 CW WA8PAT O RO 07.01.06 2125 144 CW RA4AOR O RO 07.01.06 2135 144 CW W7EME O RO 07.01.06 2139 144 CW LZ2US O RO 07.01.06 2147 144 CW K7XQ O RO 07.01.06 2154 144 CW VA3TO O RO 07.01.06 2200 144 CW OK1MS O RO 07.01.06 2207 144 CW DF7KF O RO 07.01.06 2213 144 CW IK1FJI O RO 07.01.06 2219 144 CW KM5PO O RO 07.01.06 2231 144 CW YO2LEA O RO 07.01.06 2246 144 CW I3DLI O RO 07.01.06 2253 144 CW IK2FWR O RO 08.01.06 2307 144 CW EA3DXU O RO 08.01.06 2317 144 CW EI4DQ O RO 08.01.06 2334 144 CW OZ1HNE O RO 08.01.06 2339 144 CW K9MRI O RO (57) Total:57qso Mult:OK1,SP7,OZ1,G4,G3,G6,DK3,DF1,DF2,DL9,DF7,SV1,SV8,LZ1, LZ2,SM2,SM5,SM3,SK6,VK2,RU1,RA4,F3,F0,EA3,YO2,VA3,KG6,K2, K6,K7,KM5,K9,PA2,PE1,W7,WA8,IQ1,IK7,IZ2,I3,IK2,IK1,YL2,YU7, OH6,JH2,N9,EI4.
61 x 50 = 3050 points
DATE TIME FREQ MODE STATION REPORT 7.01.06 14:22 144.042 cw F3VS OR 539 RO539 7.01.06 14:28 144.042 cw PA2CHR 539 539 7.01.06 20:56 144.044 cw IK3MAC RO 569 7.01.06 21:09 144.045 cw SV1BTR 549 539 7.01.06 21:20 144.054 cw SM3MXR OR RO 7.01.06 21:37 144.040 cw OZ1HNE RO OR We computed Roy's score to 6 x 6 = 36p
December 2005
13 QSO for a total of 13 points and 13 Multip
10.12.05 2207 144 CW LZ2US O RO points: 1 Multip: 1 10.12.05 2214 144 CW OK1MS O RO points: 1 Multip: 1 10.12.05 2221 144 CW W5UN RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 10.12.05 2227 144 CW KB8RQ RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 10.12.05 2247 144 CW K5GW RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 10.12.05 2251 144 CW RA3AQ RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 10.12.05 2304 144 CW F1FLA O RO points: 1 Multip: 1 10.12.05 2314 144 CW SV1BTR RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 10.12.05 2325 144 CW SP7DCS 529 539 points: 1 Multip: 1 10.12.05 2332 144 CW IK3MAC RO O points: 1 Multip: 1 11.12.05 0026 144 CW K6PF O RO points: 1 Multip: 1 11.12.05 0033 144 CW K9MRI O RO points: 1 Multip: 1 11.12.05 0039 144 CW KM5PO O RO points: 1 Multip: 1
TOTAL SCORE: 169 points
Date Time Call Report Points Multi 7/1/06 13.29 IK3MAC RO/RO 1 1 7/1/06 13.59 F3VS RO/RO 1 1 7/1/06 14.12 SV1BTR RO/RO 1 1 Total: 3px3m=9 points
Stations heard, called but NC: SP7DCS LZ2US LZ1DP F1FLA IK1FJI Could not partecipate in the second period.
Date Call Sent/Rec'd QSO Pts Multiplier 20051211 IK3MAC RO/OOO 1.5p IK3 Score 1.5 x 1 = 1.5p
Category: Total antenna gain up to 15dBd.
DATE TIME WKD RST RST QSO/PTS MULT 10/12/05 1347 IK3MAC 579 569 1 1 10/12/05 1410 SM2CEW 529 549 1 2 10/12/05 1419 SP7DCS O RO 1 3 10/12/05 1429 VK2KU O RO 5 4 10/12/05 1439 SM7BAE O RO 1 5 10/12/05 1449 F3VS 569 549 1 6 10/12/05 1456 DK3BU 539 539 1 7 10/12/05 1503 OZ1HNE O RO 1 8 10/12/05 1510 9H1TX O RO 1 9 10/12/05 1528 DK1KO O RO 1 10 10/12/05 1538 G3ZIG O RO 1 11 10/12/05 1546 DF2ZC 549 559 1 12 10/12/05 1554 EA3DXU O RO 1 13 10/12/05 1602 OK1MS O RO 1 14 10/12/05 1615 JH0MHE O RO 1 15 10/12/05 1622 YO2AMU O RO 1 16 10/12/05 2141 OH6CH O RO 1 17 10/12/05 2149 KM5PO 529 549 1 18 10/12/05 2158 SM5CUI O RO 1 19 10/12/05 2216 F1FLA 539 539 1 20 10/12/05 2226 IK1FJI 549 559 1 21 10/12/05 2231 W5UN 559 559 1 22 10/12/05 2239 RA3AQ 539 539 1 23 10/12/05 2252 K6PF O/529 RO 1 24 10/12/05 2302 YU1CF 529 529 1 25 10/12/05 2307 K9MRI 529 539 1 26 10/12/05 2314 IK2DDR O RO 1 27 10/12/05 2343 W6AT O RO 1 28 11/12/05 0001 K5GW 569 599 1 29 11/12/05 0007 LZ2US 559 559 1 30 11/12/05 0021 K6AAW O RO 1 11/12/05 0030 G4DHF O RO 1 31
Total Score: 36 * 31 = 1116 points
My Call: IK1FJI cat:C abt 21.5DBd
20051210 lz2us o/ro 1p lz1 " OK1MS o/ro 1p ok1 " G3ZIG " 1p g3 " SV1BTR " 1p SV1 " K6PF " 1,5p K6 " K6AWW " 1.5p " SP7DCS " 1p SP7 " K9MRI " 1.5p K9 " IK3MAC ro/o 1p IK3 " RA3AQ ro/o 1p RA3 " K5GW O/RO 1.5 K5 20051211 KB8RQ ro/o 1.5p K8 " F1FLA ro/o 1p F1 " W5UN ro/o 1.5p W5 " KM5PO O/ro 1.5p
Total 16.5x13mult=214.5 points
(Note. Correction was made to NA QSO's, they count 1 point each.
New total score = 211 points)
20051210 VK2KU OR/O 1p vk2 " IK3MAC 559/R519 1p ik3 " DK3BU 539/R539 1p dk3 " G3ZIG 549/R549 1p g3 " 9H1TX O/RO 1p 9h1 " I3DLI 539/R539 1p i3 " SV1BT RO/O 1p sv1 " OK1MS R539/O 1p ok1 " RN6BN R559/579 1p rn6 " LZ2US R539/O 1p lz2 " OZ1HNE RO/O 1p oz1 " F3VS 539/R539 1p f3 " UA9SL O/RO 1p ua9 " YO2AMU O/RO 1p yo2 " RA3AQ RO/O 1p ra3 " EA3DXU O/RO 1p ea3 " F1FLA R549/539 1p f1 " K9MRI R539/O 1p k9 " KB8RQ R549/559 1p kb8 " IK1FJI R539/539 1p ik1 " K5GW R559/579 1p k5 " S54T O/RO 1p s5 " YU1CF O/RO 1p yu1 " IK2DDR 539/R529 1p ik2 " KM5PO O/RO 1p km5 " SM5CUI O/RO 1p sm5 " W5UN R549/O 1p w5 TORAL SCORE : 27 x 27=729 points
Here are the scores of the UK Section B entry for the three activity events! Antennas 4x7ele (1.45W) 17dBd G4DHF design Rig: K2+txvtr, IC-7000, GS35b
20051210 IK3MAC 549 RO 1P IK3 20051210 F3VS 549 RO 1P F 20051211 K5GW RO RO 1P W5 20051211 SV1BTR 529 RO 1P SV1 20051211 W5UN RO RO 1P W5 20051211 KB8RQ RO RO 1P W8
Score 6p x 6m = 36
10.12.05 13:20 144.047 cw SP7DCS 549 549 10.12.05 13:26 144.049 cw OK1MS RO539 OR539 10.12.05 14:24 144.045 cw IK3MAC RO549 OR549 10.12.05 14:36 144.050 cw LZ2US RO OR 10.12.05 14:45 144.052 cw RN6BN 549 549 10.12.05 15:20 144.041 cw SM2CEW OR RO 10.12.05 15:30 144.041 cw F3VS OR549 RO549 10.12.05 15:38 144.046 cw SV1BTR RO OR 10.12.05 22:20 144.049 cw IK1FJI RO549 OR549 10.12.05 22:40 144.049 cw W5UN RO OR
We computed Roy's score to 10 x 10 = 100 points
LOG 10/11 DEC 2005
13.24 SV8CS 13.32 OZ1HNE 13.40 SM2BYA 13.52 IK3MAC 559 549 14.23 SM2CEW 14.36 G3ZIG 14.44 F3VS 559 549 14.49 SP7DCS 14.57 OK1MS 15.07 DK3BU 529 539 15.23 OH6CH 15.56 YO2AMU
22.01 F1FLA 22.08 OK2DDR 22.18 I3DLI 22.30 SM7BAE 22.37 KM5PO 23.01 S54T 23.23 K6PF 23.58 RA3AQ 11 DEC 00.07 SV1BTR 559 559 00.19 K9MRI 00.43 W5UN 0048 KB8RQ
MULT:22 QSO: 24 PTS: = 23 SV8 OZ SM2 IK3 G3 F3 SP OK DK3 OH YO F1 IK2 I3 SM7 KM5 S5 K6 RA3 SV1 K9 W5
SCORE: 23X23= 529
10.12.05 1257 144 CW OK1MS O RO (1) 10.12.05 1307 144 CW SP7DCS O RO 10.12.05 1314 144 CW OZ1HNE O RO 10.12.05 1333 144 CW G4DHF O RO 10.12.05 1337 144 CW DK3BU O RO 10.12.05 1343 144 CW ZL3TY O RO 10.12.05 1349 144 CW SV1BTR O RO 10.12.05 1355 144 CW LZ2US O RO 10.12.05 1401 144 CW SM2BYA O RO 10.12.05 1410 144 CW VK2KU O RO 10.12.05 1421 144 CW UX3LV O RO 10.12.05 1427 144 CW G3ZIG O RO 10.12.05 1432 144 CW SM7BAE O RO 10.12.05 1435 144 CW G6LI O RO 10.12.05 1441 144 CW G4RRA O RO 10.12.05 1455 144 CW RN6BN O RO 10.12.05 1500 144 CW F3VS O RO 10.12.05 1509 144 CW SM2CEW O RO 10.12.05 1529 144 CW F6FHP O RO 10.12.05 1540 144 CW G3WZT O RO 10.12.05 1544 144 CW UA9SL O RO 10.12.05 1549 144 CW EA3DXU O RO 10.12.05 1552 144 CW YO2AMU O RO 10.12.05 1556 144 CW SM5CUI O RO 10.12.05 1601 144 CW DK1KO O RO 10.12.05 2101 144 CW VE6EME O RO 10.12.05 2105 144 CW KM5PO O RO 10.12.05 2155 144 CW F1FLA O RO 10.12.05 2208 144 CW K6PF O RO 10.12.05 2214 144 CW K6AAW O RO 10.12.05 2223 144 CW PA5KM O RO 10.12.05 2231 144 CW DK1CO O RO 10.12.05 2245 144 CW F8DO O RO 10.12.05 2250 144 CW WA6PY O RO 10.12.05 2255 144 CW DL7FF O RO 10.12.05 2307 144 CW DF9CY O RO 10.12.05 2314 144 CW IK1FJI O RO 10.12.05 2320 144 CW SM7WSJ O RO 10.12.05 2326 144 CW SP6GWB O RO 10.12.05 2334 144 CW IK2DDR O RO 10.12.05 2340 144 CW UY5HF O RO 10.12.05 2347 144 CW VA3TO O RO 10.12.05 2352 144 CW 9H1TX O RO 10.12.05 2357 144 CW RA3AQ O RO 11.12.05 0010 144 CW KB8RQ O RO 11.12.05 0018 144 CW K5GW O RO 11.12.05 0032 144 CW W6AT O RO 11.12.05 0038 144 CW W5UN O RO (48) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total:48 qso Mult:OK1,SP7,SP6,OZ1,G4,G3,G6,DK3,DK1,DL7,DF9,SV1,LZ2, SM2,SM7,SM5,VK2,UX3,UA9,UY5,RN6,RA3,F3,F6,F1,F8,EA3, YO2,VE6,VA3,KM5,K6,KB8,K5,PA5,WA6,W6,W5,IK1,IK2,9H1,ZL3.
42 x 52 = 2184 points